
Cape Boat and Ski Boat Facilities and News

Chairman’s Report 2021


What can I say about 2021, curfews, lockdowns, and stringent conditions around the way we were allowed to operate.

Despite all that we have come through another year and have managed to keep our club safe and secure. We are a strong club with a solid membership and financial position.

The Club:

We had to make some harsh decisions where the club was closed for a certain periods of time and bar hour restrictions were imposed. It was agreed that this was the best action to take considering the legislated conditions that we were presented with. As these conditions were eased we followed suite opening the club but always working to keep within the required rules laid down by Covid 19 legislation.

With the recent snoek run we managed to proceed with some upgrades that were necessary.

Firstly the slipway tyres were replaced and fixed as this was becoming a major issue.

The club has been revamped and repainted and issues that needed repairs where done.

A Security hut has been erected at the slipway exit for the staff who worked long hours in severe weather conditions.

We still have more work to complete that will be continued by the new committee.

We did manage to run some events this year with the IGFA Development Day in June and the ECO evening that followed with great success…


Our Offshore officer arranged a SADSAA skippers course that was done by Peter Welgemoed and well attended…

Entertainment arranged two steak nights in October and November of this year with some returning support…


About the middle of 2020 we saw the WP League’s resuming albeit still under Covid requirements. Participation in league continued to decrease as the TO’s struggled to find boats willing to fish….  Increases in fuel costs did not help…The towing fees where reinstalled for both Inshore and Offshore but offered little incentive to get members to partake…

Unfortunately we had to cancel the October Comp this year but plan to have it again in 2022.

We held the first one day YELLOWTAIL BONANZA comp (5 or 6th Dec 2020) with great support.. Three sponsors  came forward, namely Dunlop Express Fish Hoek, Garmin and Fish Hoek Mica Hardware; we appreciate their commitment to the comp. The idea is to create a yearly event that will become the YELLOWTAIL BONANZA that is on every bodies bucket list.

The Committee – as a committee we struggled to find momentum this year due to Covid and the restrictions that went with it. Our main objective focused on the survival of the Club, its members and to ensure the safety of our staff.

We continued with committee meetings from the Fish Hoek Sports Club due to the early lockdown’s…and managed to sort out most issues that arose.

Long hours of negotiations on the lease agreement were held with COCT on a final lease proposal and OMP moving forward. It is currently in advertising and we will hear from them in December on the outcome.

Club Meetings:

Unfortunately we were unable to have our normal club meetings as planned and the few we managed to have did not have the necessary quorum.

Looking Ahead:

With new Covid  levels  proposed for December we need to maintain our activities within the law and start planning opportunities in the coming year:

– Club Comps, October Comp, Tuna Inter Provincial, Steak nights, IGFA development Day, Environmental clean-ups, Eco evenings, etc…

From my side it has been an Honour and a privilege to be Chairman of CBSC.

I would like to thank everyone who supported me over the years.

All the best for the new committee coming in next year.


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